Primary News

Primary Swimming Program
I See, I Care Ambassadors Excursion
On Thursday 10th August our I See, I Care Ambassadors, Prerana, Georgia, Christian and Sandeep, attended an excursion with other local schools, to check the health of our local waterways. We first visited the Melbourne Water Wetlands near the Dandenong Basketball Stadium where we inspected the litter traps to identify the types of waste that makes its way into our waterways. We were shocked to discover that after rain they can clear up to 160 bags of rubbish from just one site and that it costs up to $180,000 a year to clean the local litter traps.
After inspecting the waste, we moved on to a planting area where we helped the Dandenong Council Bushland Management Team plant approximately 1000 plants, native to the Dandenong area. The purpose of the planting was to build up habitat for the local wildlife. Once the planting was complete we made sure the local area was cleared of rubbish, to prevent more litter from making its way into the waterways.
We then headed on to Tirhatuan Park to test the quality of the water in the wetlands. We did this by identifying the bug life in the water and by checking the quality of the water using a variety of tools. We discovered that the water quality was quite poor, which indicated that the wetlands are doing their job of treating the water before it enters Port Phillip Bay. We discovered that the quality of the water is affected by homeowners’ use of fertiliser, paint not being disposed of properly and people not cleaning up after their dogs. We also learned that approximately 6 million tonnes of plastic makes its way into the oceans every year, and this adds to the 50 million tonnes of plastic that is already in our oceans. We thought it was an important reminder to make sure that we dispose of our litter properly.
Please remember to recycle whenever you can and ensure you place all of your litter in the bin.
Below are photos and a video from the day.
Prep Gymnastics Ribbon Wands
Gymnastics is being taught this term as part of the College PE program for all students.
Our prep students are doing really well with ribbon wands in gymnastics! Students are showing you their best routine with the ribbon wand
Primary Science Fair
Primary classes held a Science Fair last week. Parents were invited to visit classes and see the wonderful Science on display. Students completed their projects at home and in class and had the results on display. Outstanding work by all of our Primary students - well done!
Primary Art - 3L Kimmy Cantrell Collages
Students viewed artwork created by the American sculptor Kimmy Cantrell. We looked at how the features such as eyes, nose and eyebrows etc. were asymmetrical. Another common feature was red lips. The students then designed and created a Cantrell inspired head of their own using different coloured and textured cardboard.
Chrsitine McAleer