Secondary News

Simba Mak And DJ Dohreimee Visit
Carwatha College P-12 has an amazing and dedicated Wellbeing team. They assist students with their wellbeing needs as well giving students some well-deserved fun during lunch times. A program run for students in years 7 to 9 is the 180 Program and involves students having fun at lunchtimes playing games, doing activities and enjoying food. Today’s special activity was a visit during lunch from Simba Mak, a brilliant rapper & DJ Dohreimee, a seriously skilled DJ. Simba was talking to and hi fiving students in between his rapping and was loved by all the students. Students went to class this afternoon relaxed and feeling fabulous after the wonderful vibes in JBlock at lunchtime today. Thank you to Simba Mak & DJ Dohreimee, the Wellbeing Team and the wonderful 180 program volunteers.
Year 7 Report
We recently welcomed Optus’ free digital education program, Digital Thumbprint to deliver their workshops to our Year 7 students. Delivered in class to students by a facilitator, the program’s fun and interactive workshops are tailored to the needs of specific year groups. Designed to empower and inform Australia’s young digital natives, the workshops taught students the advantages of having a positive online presence and armed them with the vital information they need to stay safe online.
Overall, the program proved to be a highly beneficial experience for students and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
"On Monday the 7th of August, 2017, the year 7’s had an incursion about how to stay safe using technology and social media.
We learnt that as technology increases and becomes more complex, it will become a major part of our lives, so staying safe online is really important.
We covered the importance of having secure passwords – making them complicated so hackers can’t access them. We were also told to not share personal information online.
We found out that connecting to free Wifi, increases the chances of being hacked. What shocked us the most is that if you post anything on snapchat, Instagram, Facebook,…they can do whatever they like with the photos or videos! Even if you delete a comment or photo, it still belongs to the owners of those apps.
This workshop was so informative. It made us more aware of the pros and cons of social media and technology."
Cassie Lazarakis 7A
7C Science Experiment - Skeletons
On Tues August 15, 7C students participated in a science experiment about skeletons, as part of our unit of work on classification. Students learnt about exoskeletons and endoskeletons, and then dissected a raw prawn and a raw chicken wing. There was a practical report based on this experiment, which was submitted on the day. All students participated actively and enjoyed this task, despite it being quite smelly! I congratulate students on their safe use of equipment and their enthusiasm.
Kyla Crawford
7C Science Experiment - Classifying Animals
On Thursday August 17, 7C students participated in a science experiment about classifying animals, as part of our unit of work on classification. Students observed real preserved animals in jars, and had to classify animals using observations (for example: body covering, way of movement, limbs and habitat) All students participated actively and enjoyed this task, despite some of the animals looking very scary! Students then completed a Kahoot quiz about Classification. I congratulate students on their behaviour and focus today.
Kyla Crawford
Year 8 Girls & Boys Interschool Basketball
On Friday the 18th of August, the Year 8 girls and boys basketball teams travelled to Dandenong stadium to participate in the regional interschool competition.
The boys team, who on the day were coached by School Captain Jordan Hallet, faced a tough draw in the pool stages and struggled tirelessly against the bigger bodies from opposing schools.
Despite improving through the day and gelling as a team they were unable to record a win.
The girls team played in a round robin and went on to record 4 wins and 2 losses from their 6 games. The team were lead on the court by Mela Basic (picture below), who lead in scoring and steals and Sahar Madibo, who lead the team in rebounds while all players assisted and fought out every game. The Girls team finished 3rd overall.
Damien Luci
9A Science Experiment - Adaptations & Populations
On Monday August 14, 9A students participated in a science experiment about adaptations and populations, as part of the Ecosystems unit. Students pretended to be eagles eating food in the wild, and saw the impact that injuries and competition can have on a population. Once their results were recorded, students had to analyse them, graph them and come up with some conclusions about populations in terms of adaptations, competition and resources. All students participated actively and enjoyed this task.
Kyla Crawford
Year 9 Community Leadership Program
As part of the Year 9 English program, all students participate in the Community Leadership program during term 3. This includes students spending two full days volunteering at the Salvation Army’s Doveton premises and participating in a range of activities such as sorting donated items, gardening and construction, mural painting, catering and using multimedia to document the whole experience. The feedback from students has been very positive and it is a wonderful opportunity for students to give back something to the community.
Kevin Fahey
Danielle Weber Studio Arts and VCAL Visit
Studio Arts and the VCAL students were treated with a visit from an inspiring artist, Danielle Weber.
She spoke to students all about her school life and how she has followed her dream of becoming an artist.
You can follow her on Instagram and Facebook. 😊daniellesartworks
Danielle is an amazing artis who has had her work purchased from The Rock - Dwayne Johnson. She paints portraits and murals to name some of her talents.
Year 11 and 12 End of Year Unit 3.4 Examinations
This week students were provided with their navigator from the VCAA. This booklet provides all students completing a 3/4 Unit their individual November examination timetable, as well as the rules and regulations regarding exams.
It contains vital information about the administration of each exam including the permitted materials list.
Students are encouraged to read this navigator and ensure that they are familiar with their examination expectations for Unit 3.4 Exams. There is also some excellent study and examination preparation advice in the booklet.
The back page of the navigator also explains how students can access their results and ATAR in December.
If you have any questions or queries regarding end of year examinations for Unit 3.4 subjects please do not hesitate to contact the Senior School Office on 9795 5848.
The link below will take you to a copy of the navigator on the VCAA website.