P-12 News
SRC Report- August
The SRC have been planning the Annual Multicultural Day which will be held on Tuesday, 5th of September. We will be holding an assembly in the morning and have had a number of students express interest in performing on the day. We believe it will be a spectacular assembly with different cultural performances including songs, dances, presentations etc. We will also have a guest speaker, Diana Nguyen, present on the day. She is a singer-comedian, who grew up in Springvale, and will share experiences which will be relatable to our community. We will also have food stalls and sell cultural foods such as cevapis, Greek skewers, pizza, pasta, churros, muffins etc. Another addition to the day will be the opportunity for students to get temporary henna tattoos at school. We have contacted tattoo artists in our local community who will be providing their services to our students for a small fee.
We hold a multicultural assembly every year to promote diversity at Carwatha College P-12 and help our students feel proud to be in a school where they are acknowledged and accepted for being different or coming from a different country. We welcome all parents and our local community to attend on the day.
The College began this term with a casual dress day which was organised on Tuesday, the 8th of August with a tracksuit theme. SRC also held a sausage sizzle for both the primary and secondary students during lunch time, which was very successful with all sausages and drinks being sold out. The student body enjoyed their time outside in the sun relaxing and chatting with friends. We would like to congratulate the SRC team for putting in their best for such a successful event.
Anoushka Sharma & Adela Srebic
College Council Representatives
Earn And Learn Is Back
The Woolworths Earn & Learn program is back for 2017. Now anyone can help schools earn amazing equipment by shopping at Woolworths up until Sep 8.
Our collection box for the Earn and Learn stickers is in the main office, as you walk in.
Please drop off any stickers at the office or pop them into the box – we can win some amazing equipment for our school!
It’s easy for students, parents, grandparents, staff, neighbours, friends - absolutely anyone - to help Carwatha College. Below is how it works: