Deputy Principal


Deputy Principal - Operations


Outdoor Education at Oakleigh Grammar

Over the past 18 months and as part of the Strategic Plan, we have being reviewing our Outdoor Education programs to develop a clearer scope and sequence of programs, and ascertain additional options.  


With Oakleigh Grammar’s Mission in mind (to create quality learning opportunities for every student to reach their potential), the Outdoor Education Program is designed to enhance the educational experiences for our students. The program allows them to holistically develop their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings, through a range of practical, hands-on experiences.


All students from Years 3 to 11 have the opportunity to participate in an outdoor education program that offers appropriate challenge and complexity, to encourage exploration of, and reflection about, the following elements:

  • Independence, self-confidence and resilience
  • Problem solving, teamwork, organisation, critical thinking and creativity 
  • Leadership (especially to others that may not have roles at School)
  • Service to the community
  • Connection to the natural environment and increasing respect for, and understanding of, sustainable living practices
  • Resourcefulness, perseverance and determination, especially in new and challenging experiences and activities
  • Key personal and social competencies including wellbeing, empathy and tolerance


Across their time at Oakleigh Grammar, students will be exposed to different physical environments including coastal, mountain, forest, farm and river settings. Exposure to these different locations provides opportunities for students to build their understanding of relevant skills, through authentic application of these in different contexts. It also provides opportunities for the development of an appreciation of the uniqueness of each setting visited.


In addition to these experiences, our Year 12 students participate in a 2 day live-in program, which focuses on the development of team building and study skills, linked to their VCE studies.


At Oakleigh Grammar, we also seek to ensure that for all of our Outdoor Education programs, there are links to subject based and/or the pastoral care curriculum. A summary of each of the year level outdoor education programs, offerings and venues may be found at here, or downloaded through the attachment below.