Languages News

Our MFG Indonesian Adventure 2019
The 2019 Bali and Sumatra tour was a two-week adventure that brought all its travellers an abundance of new experiences. Most students will agree that the enduring memories of the trip will be our interactions with and washing of elephants, as well as getting to know our new orang-utan buddies in their natural environment.
The group first spent three nights of semi-luxury in Bali, including a bike riding tour, a silver smithing workshop and haggling at the market. Jumping in the pool, enjoying a filling dinner, and sleeping in a bed of cool hotel sheets was exactly what we needed after each day’s fun. Then we were off to North Sumatra!
When we arrived in North Sumatra, our first big adventures took place in the jungle. First we contributed to eco-tourism at a village called Tangkahan: washing, hugging and even trying for a little kiss on the trunks of Sumatran elephants. Then we ventured on a rainforest walk, on which we spotted nine orang-utans, a peacock and countless monkeys. We are all extremely proud of the $2,000 we raised at school, along with the Year 9 Indonesian classes, to help Bukit Lawang and the Orangutan Society protect these marvellous animals. Seeing them safe and free in their natural environment was definitely a very special experience.
Next, we headed to Lake Toba. On the way, we stopped to see what we were assured was the magnificent views at the Sepiso-piso waterfall although unfortunately it was hard to see with all the smoke haze from land-clearing fires in Kalimantan and southern Sumatra. We also visited the Simalungan Batak Kings' Houses to see who would get to be the king’s wife (if there was a king these days!), meeting a big group of local students and making new friends.
After all that excitement, we jumped on a boat to Samosir, which is an island about the size of Singapore in a massive crater lake. Our time in Lake Toba provided the travellers with a well-deserved break from our road-trip, in an exceptionally beautiful and peaceful setting. We had an entire day to ourselves to explore the surrounding village, utilise the hotel’s many services, catch up on laundry, or simply rest and soak it all in.
On the next day we skipped around the island in a ferry. The village of Ambarita has megalithic execution tables once used by the local Toba Batak people, so naturally, we had Pak Ross executed (but just pretend, he’s fine…we promise!). Then we immersed ourselves in the cultural dance of the Simanindo Bataks, before visiting Sidabutar's and other tombs at Tomok. Sometimes it felt like we were the tourist attractions, as everywhere we went we met huge numbers of students who wanted to practice their English. We got to practice our Indonesian, too! It was a great experience.
Next thing you know, we were back in Medan, nearing the end of our adventures. We got to have a look around the magnificent Mesjid Raya (Great Mosque) and the Sultan’s Maimun Palace, where we got to dress up like princesses!
As we headed home from the trip, we wished Sabine a happy 18th birthday at the Jakarta Airport, before catching our final flight to Melbourne.
Throughout the trip, time for reflection was prompted by a different question each night. It was made clear by the genuine responses of the travellers’ that we shared gratitude and developed confidence in a new and different culture. We can all say we’ve made new friends across year levels and appreciated our teachers in a new light. Thank you to everyone who made this experience possible.
Grace Robson 11B
Students: Emily Aherne, Jessica Aherne, Caitlyn Anthony-Williamson, Kelly Barrett, Chloe-Anne Barry, Sabine Bethune, Lucy Bethune, Kelsie Boyd, Sarah Brown, Georgia Clingan, Mary Duligall, Kaitlyn Jurcevic, Chloe Noakes, Rhylee Pearson, Grace Robson, Jasmyn Smith
Staff: Bu Caroline Hall, Mrs Joy Carr, Pak Ross Kalla, Mbak Abigail Robinson