Library News

2019 MFG Library Annual Stocktake
To enable our annual MFG Library stocktake, final borrowing will take place on Friday November 15th. All books will be due back before Friday 29th November please. All overdue books are put on Compass weekly for each year level, after a month overdue students are visited in class to remind them about overdues, books that are then 90 days overdue are assumed lost and students are billed via MFG Administration. Parents / guardians are notified 2 weeks prior to the bills being issued. We encourage all students to take responsibility for their own library books.
Tuesday & Friday Library Craft Group
This term the focus has been on jewellery-making using polymer clay. The students warmed and moulded the clays and produced stunning jewellery and keyrings. The items were baked at 120 degrees for 5 minutes and then left to firm up. Over the weeks students have learned to layer and swirl colors for different effects. We have had up to 20 students from years 7 - 9 and staff at our sessions!
Miss Marshall