Pictured above: The Senior VCAL class and Ms Mullen-Walsh during celebration week.
As we reach the end of the year we start to reflect on our past choices and memories; some good and some bad, the ones you choose to remember is your choice. Some memories may not make sense to others, but for our VCAL class who we called family these will all make sense.
I know some people believe VCAL is not difficult or perhaps not as important as VCE but what people don’t know is all the hard work we do doesn’t just help us, it helps the community around us.
Over the years throughout our time in VCAL we’ve helped many. We have helped out at the Lazarus Community Centre by making lasagne and having lunch with the people there. Next, we worked with Scope which is a place that works with and employs people with disabilities to not feel so alone. We also all made breast care cushions for Zonta who support people with breast cancer.
As our first year went on we all became closer, we became a family. Throughout our last year of high school, we made many memories we will choose to hold onto for years to come… here’s some memories from the senior VCAL class of 2019 (some funny and some serious):
Georgie: “making close friends, finishing year 12 and getting my traineeship. They’re important to me because they’ve helped me to have a better future.”
Sapna: “Me getting my first blood nose and all the KFC runs at lunch.”
Susie: “Going to the Grand Prix on excursion this year and meeting Jordan Love the race car driver.”
Latesha: “When we hid Tanika’s Math book.”
Tanika: “Sapna always getting in trouble, making Tik Toks and our famous KFC runs.”
Phoebe: “Getting a parking ticket on the last week of school and always getting pizza with my friends Chelsea and Brianna.”
Chelsea: “Deciding pizza Thursday was a thing.”
Brianna: “Actually being allowed to go to The Chapel to get chapel chips.”
Jakiya: “I was working out all things my laptop could do, only to look up and see my screen on the big board for the whole class somehow.”
Ariana: “Watching Bu-Hall try and find hiding students who didn’t want to present their Indonesian oral in Year 9.”
Maddy: “Phoebe making everyone a birthday cake last year.”
Chelby: “In year 8 music, I snapped a guitar in half and the teacher didn’t even care while I was freaking out because I broke it.”
Tamika: “Leaving half way through class to move your car so you don’t get a parking ticket.”
Kasey: “Spending the day in Melbourne at the Grand Prix for VCAL.”
Finally, my highlight. My highlight has been meeting all these amazing people! Now we can start to see how far we’ve come this year; from some of us saying ‘we want to leave, we won’t pass, and we want to drop out’- to us now: we’ve all completed one of the hardest years of schooling! We’ve struggled, cried and wanted to give up more times than we’d like to admit but we have succeeded, and we did it as a class and as a family! I can happily say I’m proud of us all.
I know these memories aren’t important to others, but for us these are the memories we are going to cherish for as long as we possibly can. We will take our memories, friends and new family with us for as long as we walk on this earth. Yes we’ve all made mistakes, but we carry those too.
We all are excited for the future, excited to move on - but we will never forget this place.
Thank you everyone!
By Tequili McClelland 12C