Coles Sports for Schools Program
Lilydale High School is taking part in the 2018 Coles Sports for School Program to help kids stay fit and healthy.
For every $10 you spend at Coles you will receive 1 Sports for Schools voucher for our school to use towards the purchase of sports equipment.
If you shop at Coles, please start collecting vouchers. They can be dropped into the collection box at the Main Office at school.
We’d love you to ask friends, family and neighbours if they will help out too.
Online orders have an option to nominate Lilydale High School as the designated school and the school will receive vouchers digitally, nothing needs to be printed by you.
Thank you and happy shopping!
Physical Education
Students in Unit 4 Physical Education have been partaking in practical sessions to help them with their understanding of a range of topics including; the various stages of learning, types of practice and various forms of feedback.
PASE Uniform
During practical sessions, students must be in full PE uniform;
- Navy coolmesh shorts with school logo
- Navy/White polo top with school logo
- Navy tracksuit pants microfibre with school logo
- Girls black leggings with school logo
- White sports socks
- Cap/hat (compulsory during Terms 1 and 4)
All uniform items can be purchased from LOWES, Lilydale.
Students unable to participate in class
Students who are unable to participate in practical classes due to illness/injury will require a note from a parent/guardian.
If your child is unable to participate in practical classes for an extended period of time, please provide a medical certificate or contact their teacher directly.
Alister Stuart
Head of Physical & Sport Education