Monday 26 February
School Swimming Carnival
School Photo Payments DUE
Thursday 15 March
Parent/Teacher/Student 3 Way Conferences
Tuesday 27 March
Year 9/10 Student Led Assembly
Thursday 29 March
End of Term 1 - 2.30 pm Finish
Please also refer to the Middle School Calendar on the school website for the full list of important dates/events.
Swimming Carnival
Monday 26 February
The school swimming carnival is compulsory for Year 7 students.
Only COMPETING students in Years 8 -12 attend the carnival. ALL other students are REQUIRED at school for normal timetabled classes.
Students must wear their school PE uniform or house colours to the carnival (avoid application of coloured zinc until arriving at the venue).
Students should ensure that they bring appropriate clothing to compete in.
Parents are encouraged to attend the event from 10 am to 1.30 pm.
Year 9 Captains
Year 9 have had a fantastic start to the year. We have covered some new things but there are still lots more opportunities to come later in 2018.
Transitioning up to Middle School has been a new and exciting experience for all of us. Moving into Year 9 means we had to pick our first electives, which was scary. Picking your electives means you get to choose the subjects you enjoy and are passionate about. Getting introduced to all new classes with all new teachers. We also had an opportunity to change the subjects to suit us best.
Throughout this week, the students have attended a Code of Conduct session. Now every student should know the rules and expectations and strive for excellence in everything they do.
In 2018 there will be plenty of opportunities to compete in different sporting events. One upcoming event is the swimming carnival, where everyone will have the chance to show off their swimming, bombing and tug of war skills.Zac Hoiles and Sophie Mastaing
Success @9 Evening
Monday 12 February
Thank you to parents and guardians for attending the information evening to help your child maximize their opportunities at school in simple and effective ways.
For parents and guardians who were unable to attend, a copy of the information presented at the evening is below.
Students Absences
All student absences must be parent/guardian approved. You can do this through a signed note brought to school, approving on Compass, or by calling the School Absence Line before 9.30 am.
Please click on the Compass Parent Guide below for instructions for approving absences on Compass.
If you have forgotten your Compass username and password, please contact Lauren Kelso in the Middle School Office.
Middle School Coordination Team
Head of Middle School and Year 10
Elizabeth Nevins
Head of Year 9
Daniel Toma
Assistant Year 9 Coordinators
Michael Bourne
Riana Asta
Amy Walton
Assistant Year 10 Coordinators
Tyler Philips
Kelsey Currie
Sam Weavell
Middle School Assistant
Lauren Kelso