Friday 23 February
Year 8 Getting It Right
School Photo Payments DUE
Monday 26 February
School Swimming Carnival
Thursday 8 March
Year 7 Immunisations
Monday 12 March
Labour Day Public Holiday
Thursday 15 March
Parent/Teacher/Student 3 Way Conferences
Tuesday 27 March
Year 7 Camp 1 (7A, B, C, D, E, F) - 27 to 29
Thursday 29 March
End of Term 1 - 2.30 pm Finish
Please also refer to the Junior School Calendar on the school website for the full list of important dates/events.
Year 7 & 8 Students
Out and About at LHS
School Swimming Carnival
Monday 26 February
The swimming carnival is compulsory for all Year 7 students to attend.
Students in Year 8, only competitors will attend, all other Year 8 students are required at school to attend normal timetabled classes.
Students must wear their school PE uniform or house colours to the carnival (avoid application of coloured zinc until arriving at the venue).
Students should ensure that if they are competing they bring appropriate clothing to compete in.
A canteen will likely be available on the day, however we cannot guarantee that these services will be available. Students should bring recess and lunch as well as a water bottle.
Parents are encouraged to attend the event from 10 am to 1.30 pm.
Important information that will help students Monday morning;
- Year 7 and 8 students need to attend Home Group as per usual
- Home Group teachers will then send students to meet at the Junior School Deck
We want your news!
If there is anything that happens in your life outside of school, please let us know, as we would like to celebrate your achievements with you.
For example, sporting achievements, musical successes… anything!
Year 7 Immunisations
A reminder to parents and guardians, completed immunisation forms must be returned to the Junior School Office TODAY, Friday 23 February.
Getting It Right
The Year 8s participated in the Getting it Right program in Week 4, which served to remind students of the Lilydale High School Code of Conduct.
Students so far in 2018 have proved to have started really well and with the right attitude to learn. Uniforms look lovely and the correct resources are being taken to class.
Thank you to the parents who attended the Year 8 morning tea. We look forward to a year of collaborative, supportive and positive relationships with both students and families.
Year 8 Home Group
- 8A – Callum Toner & Genevieve Janssen
- 8B - Ashley Evans & Justin Tabone
- 8C – Corey Emary & Shereen Anderson
- 8D – Zac Clarke & Codie Harrop
- 8E – Brecon Daniels & Danielle Fletcher
- 8F – Amelie Moore & Coby Supple
- 8G – Jess Hook
- 8H – Ashley Munyard & Bella Carusi
- 8I – Tayja Maki & Casey McConchie
- 8J – Lisa Del Vecchio & Nick Keating
- 8K – Allison Kincaid & Cooper Rouget
- 8L – Campbell Eastwood & Briana Tilbury
- 8M – Kalyn Donkin & Ben Wiltshire
- 8N – Liam Buchan & Mackenzie Tully
Charge your DEVICE
A friendly reminder to students to make sure that your devices are fully charged when they come to school.
Your device is a really important learning tool that should be ready to use every day.
Absences on COMPASS
All absences from school must be parent/guardian approved. You can do this through a signed note or you can approve your child’s absences on Compass.
Please click on the Compass Parent Guide below for instructions for approving absences on Compass.
If you have forgotten your Compass username and password, please contact Kerri Skewes and Kerrie O'Rourke in the Junior School Office.
Junior School Coordination Team
Assistant Principal and Head of Junior School
Genaha Thompson
Head of Year 7
Jeremy Neumann
Assistant Year Level Coordinators
- Stephanie McLachlan
- Andrew Rogers
- Eleni Stavrou
Head of Year 8
Matthew Nicholls
Assistant Year Level Coordinators
- Cindy Harris
- Andrew Box
- Eleni Stavrou
Junior School Assistant
Kerri Skewes and Kerrie O'Rourke
Junior School Coordinators