Middle School


Head of Middle School
















Year 10 Personal Project

The Personal Project is a culmination of all five years of the MYP, and is to be completed by Year 10 students. It is a project designed to allow students to be creative and dive deep into their passion for any given topic. While the parameters are quite wide, there are still key objectives that need to be met by the students. These include the completion of a Process Journal throughout their journey, a product showcasing the student’s new found skills, and finally a report, reflecting back on the whole process from start to finish.


This month we have had the pleasure of hearing from one of our Year 10 students, XXXXXXXXX. Let’s see what he has to say!


What are you doing for your project and what made you decide to do this?



Where are you up to and what are your plans for the next two weeks?



What do you hope to gain from this project?



Can you see some place in your future where this will help you?