Principal's  Message


Feast of the Assumption

The College celebrates the Feast of the Assumption today. This day, one of two holy days of obligation, allows us to reflect on the life of Our Lady. It is important for our young men to have role models that allow them to see that the actions of a person can evoke essential goodness in others. Many of our boys could name their role models, which would include members of their own family. St John Baptist de la Salle is one such role model for Lasallian schools.

In a boy’s only College, it is important that the image of womanhood is presented in a positive and respectful manner. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is often described as a gentle person who accepted the invitation given to her with grace and strength of will. She was also an incredibly brave, nurturing and selfless person who understood what sacrifice within a family actually means. Our boys need to see that being gentle takes many forms and that gentleness, strong moral character and right paths are never mutually exclusive.

Future Year 7 Students

The 2019 Year 7 group were at the College recently to undergo their assessment morning for literacy and numeracy. It was wonderful to see these students, coming from a number of local schools, combine as one in the Hall. Parents were more than interested about how their sons had fared, but based on the reception they received from the boys at the conclusion of the testing, it seems that they are more than looking forward to life in Year 7 next year.

We are also in the last stages of receiving applications for Year 7 2020. The College continues to experience strong enrolment demand.

Year 12

As one would expect, our senior class is working diligently to prepare for life beyond St Bede’s. For some, these preparations involve gearing up for work, whilst for the majority it is around choosing wisely for their tertiary course options. To this end, the College hosted a VTAC evening that gave our parents, and those from Kilbreda College, the opportunity to work their way through the maze that is the VTAC application system. It was an excellent evening that clearly met a need.

The Parents and Friends Association are hosting a Year 12 Breakfast for all families on Thursday 6 September (7:30-8:30 am). This will be a lovely way to gather and recognise that we now have a limited number of weeks remaining with these young men. You are warmly invited to attend with information available later in this edition of the newsletter and on our website.

80th Anniversary

Congratulations to the Parents and Friends Association who hosted this well attended event at Woodlands Golf Club. The large number of guests were able to socialise, dance and eat in fine style. The walls were decorated with many photos of past times at St Bede’s College. This reminded us of our proud and collective heritage.


A particular thank you goes to Jacinta Jones, Debra Valentine and the entire committee for their many efforts.

20 Year Reunion

A significant number of Old Collegians from the Class of 1998 gathered to celebrate days gone by and to learn a little of the more recent happenings of the College. It was fascinating to listen to these men who are all in their late thirties, a number of whom now have their own children. Whilst programs, buildings and structures change over time, the quintessential spirit of the College remains well embedded thanks to men such as these and the many fine parents and staff responsible for their education.

Year 10 Program

It has been a dynamic four weeks for our Year 10 students. Over that time they have been on Work Experience, Camp, Retreat and Driver Education. All of these are inherently good in their own way and offer our students the opportunity to mix in “real world” time with employers, experience challenging and rewarding outdoor environments, look inwardly to the spiritual and get an early taste for driving competency. At this age positive engagement in schooling is essential and activities such as these provide this impetus.

Lasalle Camp
Tyler Alexander - Channel 10
Lasalle Camp
Tyler Alexander - Channel 10

Youth Ministers

We are delighted to have appointed two new Youth Ministers to the College.  Matthew Crowley and Joshua Cant (both from the Class of 2016) will join Matt Blake in this team. Having recent students engage in a faith filled, respectful and practical manner enables our students to see young role models in action. We wish the team every blessing for their work.

Joshua Cant, Matthew Crowley and Matthew Blake
Joshua Cant, Matthew Crowley and Matthew Blake

Parent Teacher Interviews

We look forward to seeing families at interviews which take place over the coming weeks




Let us continue to Live by Right Paths, Per Vias Rectas


John Finn
