
New Books

Sarah Edelman PhD has just published her third edition of Change your thinking. This book provides positive and practical ways to deal with stress, negative emotions and self-defeating behaviour using CBT or Cognitive Behavour Therapy!  On page 3 we discover three strategies, cognitive, behavioural and mindfulness to assist personal best outcomes in life.



Rose in the Blitz by Rebecca Stevens.  Set in London during the Second World War, Roses’ Mum is getting married in the morning and Rose can’t sleep for worry.  Looking out of her window, she sees her dear Great-Aunt Cosy leaving the house in her dressing gown.  Rose is compelled to follow Aunt Cosy to the Underground, to an empty train.   Here the story unfolds …


Ballad for a mad girl by Vicki Wakefield.  Everyone knows 17 year old Grace Foley is a bit mad.  Her only fear is losing.  Two schools are feuding and Grace accepts a dangerous challenge.  That night she experiences something she cannot explain and it’s not funny.  Grace is drawn deep into a 20 year mystery of missing girl Hannah Holt and begins to have difficulty disciphering what is real or imagined.  This is a terrific story written by a Young Adult Australian writer.


Allayne L. Webster has written A Cardboard Palace.  Set in a shanty town on the outskirts of Paris, Bill controls an army of child thieves, including Jorge.  The likely threat of the town being bulldozed throws all of life’s certainty in the air.  Jorge is worried about his home, his friends and his future.  A growing friendship with Australian chef Sticky Ricky might be his solution.  This is a story of one boy’s desperation to escape a life of crippling poverty.


The Fall by Tristan Bancks.  Another good book from Tristan.  This story involves Sam, and it’s pretty complicated, but then what murder isn’t?  Sam hears angry voices, looks out a window and sees a body falling.  He goes to wake his Dad, a crime reporter, but his Dad is not there.  When Sam goes downstairs to check, the body is gone, but someone has seen him and knows he’s a witness!