Outdoor & Environmental Studies


On Monday, Shepparton High School's VCE students studying Outdoor and Environmental Studies spent the afternoon on a local stretch of the Goulburn River learning about key environmental issues in the area and indicators for measuring environmental health.





Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project helped to bring together industry representatives from the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, RiverConnect and Waterwatch to provide an interactive session for students to discover techniques for assessing water quality, soil health and habitat.


The students seemed to enjoy their outdoor classroom at the Shepparton Weir and fishway, which is part of SHS's designated area under RiverConnect's Adopt a Reach program.







Thanks to Allison from #RiverConnect, Corey, Karen and Jenny from #GoulburnBrokenCMA, Dani from #Waterwatch, Parks Victoria staff who also dropped by, and teacher Hadleigh Sirett for supporting this opportunity for the students.


This class will also be hearing from more industry representatives as they learn about environmental strategies and plans, and mechanisms for protecting biodiversity on private land, via another excursion to a local Trust for Nature property next month.

Carly Miles

Industry Links Coordinator