EFM Health Club

Take advantage of our special offer  and get your fitness goals on track.


EFM Health clubs bridges the gap between a conventional gym (where you typically get access to the gym with minimal help & support) and a Personal Trainer (which for most people is simply not an affordable long term option to stay motivated with your exercise regime).


Every time you come in for a workout you have your very own Personalised Trainer who each and every session you attend coaches you through your session, sets your weights & machines, motivates you and keeps you accountable to reaching your goals. 


In short, we truly believe in making your time with us the best minutes of your day.


Visit our website, check out the many benefits you could be experiencing by joining the club and ring or go online to make an enquiry or just pop in and have a chat.


I am open from 6-9 am and from 4- 8pm weekdays. I would love to have a chat and to show you around our gym and work out a personalised program for you.


Check us out on http://efm.net.au/  and click on the video link below to see a little about us.

Open Video here  






Brandon Campbell

EFM Personal Trainer

email - mteliza@efm.net.au

phone - 0400 292 347