Term 2 Awards
Congratulations to the following students who were recognised for their awesome work in Term 2.
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Learning: Tatum N
Leadership: Avneet K
Respect: Asha D
Teamwork: Selena G
PA: Dustin W for making a great effort in in Literacy and setting a good example for the value of Learning to his peers.
PB: Hollie F for making a great effort in all learning areas and being an awesome role model to others.
PC: Roy K for making a great effort in all areas and for always showing the school values.
Year 1
Learning: Tayla K
Leadership: Geneve P
Respect: Annika M
Teamwork: Harry S
1A: Ashwin B for making a great effort by taking on teacher feedback to improve his learning.
1B: Jahmin S for making a great effort by being respectful of other people’s feelings and emotions by reacting in a mature manner.
1C: Selina W for making a great effort in all learning areas by listening respectfully to the teacher and completing all set tasks to the best of her ability.
Year 2
Learning: Son L
Leadership: Bonnie N
Respect: Prabhjeet S
Teamwork: Kiara W
2A: Tilly C for making a great effort to develop her confidence when speaking in front of a large group.
2B: Christian H for making a great effort in consistently trying hard to extend his ideas during writing tasks.
2C: Stefan S for making a great effort to develop his reading skills.
Year 3
Learning: Carmel S
Leadership: Virat K
Respect: Jordyn DB
Teamwork: Ella R
3A: Jack T for making a great effort to improve his handwriting and by always applying himself to do his best.
3B: Ayisha L for making a great effort during the NAPLAN tests and always working hard to achieve success in all learning areas.
3C: Addison B for making a great effort in developing and maintaining a positive attitude towards her learning and always working to the best of her abilities.
Year 4
Learning: Harmony O
Leadership: Takura M
Respect: Rocky L
Teamwork: Tanner M
4A: Ben M for making a great effort to lead his peers during collaborative tasks
4B: Hugh K for making a great effort to engage his readers and audience through his writing and presentation skills.
4C: Natalie T for making a great effort to bring a positive attitude and apply her Maths knowledge to real life situations
4D: Anne K for making a great effort to improve her learning by taking on teacher feedback
Year 5
Learning: Connor R
Leadership: Brodie H
Respect: Ciara L
Teamwork: Justin L
5A: Safi A for making a great effort to always display her best work habits and improve her understanding of Maths concepts.
5B: Sandra A for making a great effort to support peers by consistently using her class time, recess and lunch to assist others and completing additional work at home.
5C: Mia J for making a great effort to rehearse and perform to the best of her ability for the Song Dance and Drama Night.
5D: Sheena E for making a great effort to lead her team to produce a working model demonstrating the orbits of the sun, Earth and the moon.
Year 6
Learning: Salv T
Leadership: Eliza R
Respect: Jessica D
Teamwork: Lachlan T
6A: Karthika S for making a great effort to model a positive work ethic in Literacy where she continuously seeks teacher feedback and implements changes to improve results.
6B: Jesse Csfor making a great effort to set personal goals and demonstrate independence when working on new concepts.
6C: Andre L for making a great effort to include figurative language in his narrative writing.
6D: Tony S for making a great effort to manage the challenges associated with learning a new language and to adjust to full time learning at The Lakes.
Year 7
Learning: Jesse BR
Leadership: BJ B
Respect: Pearl T
Teamwork: Jandrei N
Anastasija T: for her fantastic work in English and perseverance in improving paragraphs and writing at length.
Caleb V: for his fantastic work and participation in Fast Track Academy, as well as his outstanding achievements in Music.
Bianca M: for her confidence in delivering a well-constructed oral presentation in MAD.
Leisha DL: for her consistent effort in Maths
Year 8
Learning: Ansab R
Leadership: Isaac P F
Respect: Sienna B
Teamwork: Madison H
Kasinda M: for excellent effort and growth when participating in Maths Pathways and consistently achieving her targeted goals.
Brooke C: for working to capacity in Inquiry and displaying excellent organisational skills.
Taylah H: for displaying excellent teamwork and worth ethic in preparation for market day.
Brian T: for showing strong growth in his ability to work through his fitness program independently.
Bailey J: for showing great leadership in $20 Boss, Market Day preparations and for his inclusive nature in Active Body Boys.
Year 9
Learning: Jaden L
Leadership: Dayla A
Respect: Alexis G
Teamwork: Josh M
Khushi A: for making a great effort in English through diligence and initiative.
Sebastian S: for making a great effort to demonstrate leadership while working with students and staff on Early Years in his Peer Coaching class.
Kai P: for making a great effort to improve his results in Humanities through completing additional work at home.
Michael D: for making a great effort to understand properties of chemical elements and how they react when mixed.
Ethan FT: for making a great effort to apply himself and improve his results across all areas of STEM.
Abuk D: for making a great effort to take responsibility for her education in Maths.