2040 Vision Day
2040 Vision Day
On the 23rd of May three of our year 9 students had the opportunity to go to the council buildings to participate in the Whittlesea 2040 visioning program. The 2040 vison program was a program designed to plan the future of Whittlesea. It brought together students from different schools to participate in this program. The day was a great experience and it was very beneficial to us and it taught us the way that Whittlesea might progress in the future.
The first part of the day was spent participating in Ice-Breakers, so that we could learn about the other people participating. The Ice-Breakers were over pretty quickly and we were thrusted into the planning which consisted of being split into groups and being made to plan a district. When we had to plan the district we had to take into consideration the area, accessibility, services and different needs.
The planning was quite an interesting experience because we got to work with a town planner to plan the district of Donnybrook, an undeveloped suburb. The 4 groups ‘competed’ to have the best area and all of the plans were quite different.
The day was a great experience and we appreciate the opportunity to participate in such a great program and we would all take the opportunity again.