Principal's Report

Feed forward

'When you think of giving feedback start giving feed forward, focus on the promise of the future rather than the mistakes of the past.' (Marshall Goldsmith)


As we come to the end of our first semester, students receive their reports, share portfolios with their parents/carers and meet with the teachers for interviews, it is a time to celebrate the learning progress our students have made.


Sharing academic and social progress with families is crucial in enabling you to know that your child is progressing and that the school is supporting your child to maximise their learning outcomes.


Formal semester reports and portfolios are only one small part of the feedback we are providing your students. Setting goals, working towards them, assessing learning, providing feedback and then setting new goals is part of the ongoing learning cycle within the classroom. Students can no longer be passive participants being taught to, but they must be empowered leaners who have a thorough understanding of what, why and how they are learning.


With this in mind,  after reading their reports and receiving feedback in Parent-Teacher Interviews it is a great time to discuss with your child their next learning goals. What are they planning to work on in Term 3? How will they achieve this improvement? How can we support their learning goals?


Congratulations to every student on a great semester's work. Thank you to our wonderful teaching and support staff for their skill, passion and dedication. And thank you to our entire school community for supporting the school in order to provide fantastic learning opportunities for all students.

Sunsmart Policy


As part of an ongoing process, the Policy Sub-committee reviews policies due to Department of Education requirements to change the policy or because it was due to be reviewed as part of a cycle.


The Sunsmart Policy have been reviewed and had amendments made where deemed necessary and we are now distributing it to the school community to seek any feedback or give you the opportunity to ask questions about it.


If you have any questions or feedback about this policy please send an email to 

Use of student images

When your child first began school at Marlborough, we sent home a 'Use of Student Images' permission form. On this form, consent was given to publish student work samples, images and first names in print and electonically for the purposes of communicating with our school community, celebrating learning and for school marketing.


In order to improve our communication with the school and wider community we have recently started official school Facebook and Twitter accounts. We will be sharing learning, upcoming events and our newsletter through these platforms.


Facebook: @MPSHeathmont

Twitter: @MPS_Heathmont


As with our newsletter and our web-site, your child's image/work/first name will only be published on these social media platforms if you have provided permission on the 'Use of Student Images' permission form. If you have previously provided this permission, but would not like your child's image published on these social media platforms then please email or call the office (03 9870 3468 or