Learn to Learn

Paying it Forward


“As part of their Learning to Learn ‘Paying it Forward’ project, 7E students Reyhaneh and Ashlyn did a waste audit of the bins in the class rooms. They realised that most of the rubbish was paper and could be recycled but rooms generally lacked the appropriate bins. They contacted the local VISY company in Shepparton and asked if they could help. Craig Larcombe and Fred Zito spoke with the girls via email and phone, and donated 40 recycle bins for the school. The class of 7E put the bins together and the girls plan to educate the student body and staff about the bins and their use.

Other projects include making sandwiches for students without food, visiting Tarcoola for a games and chat over afternoon tea, donations to the homeless and animal’s shelters, and collecting bottle tops for Envision to be able to make prosthetic limbs for children in third world countries. “


Photo: Ashlyn and Reyhaneh with Fred Zito from VISY