Positive Education News

A Focus on Gratitude

As we head in to the Term Two holidays it is important to recognise all the great things we should be grateful for, not just this term but right across Semester One.  Sit and think for a minute about all that you are grateful for in relation to the College your son or daughter goes to.  With this recognition we are focusing in on the ideas around being grateful or showing gratitude.  

One of the key ways to grow happiness and a sense of wellbeing is to practice gratitude. We all love to receive a thank you note or text message but how often do we offer a word of gratefulness over silence or even criticism? It seems our natural instinct is to focus on the gaps.  It is the old glass half full, but actually the glass is full to the brim and overflowing.

Below is a link to a short clip, mentioned before in past edition of The View, by Louie Schwartzberg and narrated by Brother David Steindle- Rast.  This is a calming and honest approach to what we should all be grateful for : www.youtube.com/watch?v=4115qFsdWKQ

Wellbeing Survey

Recently students in Years 5 -10 participated in the Wellbeing Survey. This was a fabulous opportunity for those who did complete the survey to have a say in what drives their wellbeing and what they believe are ways the College can help to support. Thank you to those parents who allowed their daughter to participate.

What Do I Weigh?

Recently our Year 10 Wellbeing Leaders, Rose Duigan and Sophie Giltnan, designed posters asking students the question ‘What Do I Weigh?’


Immediately there is a connatation that it must be around a person’s weight but in fact the statement looks at the things we need to weigh such as family, friends, school and ourselves. 


These posters can be found around all classes and other areas of the school.  Well done girls on a great initiative.

School TV

A reminder to all parents about the fabulous resources SchoolTV that can be located on the College website under the PARENT tab.


Melanie Sluyters

Director of Positive Education