Sports Roundup

Term 2 has been a difficult, and at times, frustrating for everyone and this remains true for sport at Westall. Unfortunately, due to the current global climate, we were unable to run our normal sport program, meaning that a number of events had to either be cancelled or postponed. 


However, it appears things are looking up for Term 3, as we await the go-head from the Victorian Government to allow school sport next term. We are currently planning and expecting Term 3 sport to proceed as per normal. Should this be the case, our Years 7 and 8 sports teams will once again restart their weekly sport competition, representing Westall in Basketball, Futsal, Table Tennis, Hockey and Touch Rugby. Our Year 9s will also kick back into gear in preparation for their Intermediate Round Robin day on Wednesday August 19th. Another key date in the Term 3 calendar is the Westall Athletics Carnival, rescheduled from Term 1, to now take place on 20th August (Term 3, Week 6). We’re all looking forward to seeing everyone dressing up and supporting their house on the day. 


Finally to finish off Term 2 with a bang, next week, students will compete in an adapted Cross Country Carnival. Students from Years 7-9 will compete the course in the various sport periods, whilst Year 10s, and those wishing to participate from Years 11 and 12, will compete during iCreate on the Wednesday. Although this year’s physically-distanced cross country will look slightly different, we are looking forward to seeing everyone participating and representing their house with pride.


Bring on Term 3!


Mr Hugh Robertson

Sports Coordinator