Education in Faith

Advent Season

On Sunday, we begin the season of Advent. It’s not Christmas yet. As a matter of fact, it’s not even technically the Christmas season, as some retailers would have us believe. The Christmas season begins on Christmas Day. So, we are about to enter into Advent Season.


The Advent season is a time where we celebrate anticipating the coming of Christmas. That’s actually what Advent means, it means “coming” or “arrival” particularly of something extremely important.


On the First Sunday in Advent Jesus explains that no one knows the time of the Second Coming, therefore we should always be prepared.


On the Second Sunday in Advent John the Baptist preaches repentance to prepare for the coming of the Lord.


The Third Sunday in Advent sees John explain that he is not the Messiah.


On the Fourth Sunday in Advent Gabriel explains to Mary that even though she is a virgin, she will give birth to the Son of God.


As a school community we will celebrate the Advent season through a series of Paraliturgies in our Community Hall on the following dates:


Monday 3rd December:   9:00am - Prep V to host

Monday 10th December:  9:00am - Prep N to host

Monday 17th December: 9:00am- Year 1/2 H to host

Wednesday 19th December: 12:15pm – Year 1/2 C to host


All families are welcome to attend. The liturgies will be followed by our Assembly.