New Detention for Late Students

Dear parents/guardians and student community,


Re: New Lunchtime Detention for Lates Initiative


At the commencement of this term, the College introduced bells signalling the commencement and completion of classes. This was established to ensure that students and teachers could clearly define the beginning of class and reduce the significant amount of students that are still arriving late to class in the mornings, after lunch and recess.


Students that are late to class severely impact the learning of others and themselves. This is particularly evidenced through disruption to teacher instruction which typically is the most critical component of a lesson where vital information is provided at the beginning of each class.


Although bells have seen a considerable improvement in student timeliness, there are still a core group of students that are not arriving to class on time. Commencing next week, Monday 18th May, lunchtime detentions will be issued to students who arrive late to class on 3 occasions.


Lunchtime detentions will be carried out every lunch at 11:20-11:40 am, attempting to minimise impact to any after school commitments students may have. It is important to note, this is an automated process and parents and students will be notified via Compass notifications that a detention has been scheduled. Students will be required to attend their scheduled detention in Room P4 where a staff member will mark the detention attendance roll. Any students  failing to attend a lunchtime detention will automatically be scheduled by Compass for the next available after school detention, either on a Monday or Thursday afternoon from 3:30 -4:15 pm. Students and parents will receive an automated Compass notification at least 1 day  prior informing of the requirement for the student to remain after school. It is important to note that parents will need to communicate with their child's House Leader/Year Level Coordinator if they are not able to support their child in attending the detentions to avoid further consequences.


We look forward to gaining your support in developing a new culture where students will understand that there are consequences for disrupting the learning of others and their own, due to arriving late.


Should you have any questions, please contact Martin Mielimaka or your child's House Leader/Year Level Coordinator.


Martin Mielimaka

Assistant Principal