
Year 7

Cooling Chocolate

'Mixtures' - Slime and Chocolate, what an interesting combination!


7H had their last class of the day in the lab, just before lockdown 4.0. Here are students completing an experiment: 'Cooling Chocolate'. Which do you think cools faster - dark chocolate or milk chocolate?  

Water Bath - 55'C
Cooling Dark and Milk Chocolate
Temperature Checks and Recording Data
Making Observations
Water Bath - 55'C
Cooling Dark and Milk Chocolate
Temperature Checks and Recording Data
Making Observations

The chocolatey test tubes were heated in a water bath to around 55'C before being moved to a beaker for the cooling process to begin. A timer was set to count upwards to 20mins with the temperature being recorded every minute.  


7H observed that even though the dark chocolate temperature dropped quickly within the first few minutes, there was only a couple of degrees difference throughout the experiment.



Year 7 - Slime Making
Year 7 - Slime Making

We are back in the lab after our remote learning time. Year 7 students have continued their topic of 'Mixtures' and what better way to do this than by making Slime. 


With the right mixture of PVA, Borax, and an optional drop of colour, the students gave it a stir and they have slime!  

Here is a video of the mixing process. 


John Kenyon

Science Domain

John Kenyon
John Kenyon