Deaf Education Centre (DEC)

DEC News
Cover Photo: Shaylee made slime in Science class
EXTRA, EXTRA … Read all about it! Auslan Stage Left is interpreting the Mount Erin College annual school production and there’s no doubt about it!
Great news for the DEC all round. From booking Auslan Stage Left to student success in this year's cross Country.
School Production
This year Mount Erin College is presenting a production of ‘The Addams Family'. For the first time ever, Auslan Stage Left is interpreting the entire show in Auslan. This is so exciting. We are happy that we can provide access to this theatre production for our DHH (Deaf and Hard of Hearing) students at our College and the wider community. It’s a production not to be missed.
Word of Mouth
This Term we had a visit from ‘Word of Mouth’. We are happy to announce that we will be upgrading our hearing technology in the Neville Rowan Centre, which will include the installation of new wall pilots. This is another step forward in providing access for both Mount Erin College and community related events.
Cross Country
Well done to our students Kenny Y12, Cleo Y10, and Jarrod Y8, who participated in the Reginal Cross Country on 21st May. Even though this was a Student Free Day for us, you proudly represented the College at Regionals. Great effort!
Pre-Service Teaching
Our staff member Kathryn has been on leave for some of this Term doing her pre-service teaching rounds. Kathryn is very excited that she is nearing the end of her university course and by the end of next year, she will be a fully qualified teacher. Kathryn will also be on Teaching rounds during the second half of Term 3. All the best.
Council Visit
On Wednesday 26th May, we were delighted to welcome Karen McMahon from the Frankston City Council to our school. She came along to speak to our students to discuss their thoughts and address the council's next Disability Action Plan. There was a nice turn out from our students who had a chance to have their say during lunch time.
Remote Learning
Remote Learning 4.0 was unexpected, but our well organised procedures allowed us to jump straight back in to where we left off. Students had the option to come and visit team members in the Junior and Senior DEC Google Classrooms and get support with their work, while another member of staff is checking in on our students' classes and attending Google Meets, just like we would in a school setting. It was a smooth transition back into remote learning, but we all looked forward to seeing everyone back on campus.
DEC Office
We have temporarily relocated to the Resource Centre office. Alex has the same direct number or you can call the School Office, if you need to make contact. The students (and staff) are slowly getting used to our new location as we continue to work together as a team.
DEC Staff
Alex, Sarah, Kathryn, Anne