Principal Report
Jenni Hodgins
Principal Report
Jenni Hodgins
Mount Erin College is an amazing school with fantastic people. I have experienced this first hand over the last few weeks, especially as we have all faced huge challenges. The recent lockdown, the damage to the gym, the power outage - all opportunities for the MEC Community to demonstrate our ASPIRE values.
All students, staff and parents demonstrated adaptability when we were forced back into Remote Learning on Friday 28th May. I was impressed by the level of effort shown by our teachers who seamlessly shifted from face to face teaching to online lessons, including the incorporation of Google Meets this time. During Remote Learning, students demonstrated their personal best and a responsibility to their learning by continuing to make learning their priority. It takes a lot of integrity to continue to strive for excellence even when situations change and the level of accountability may have dropped.
I acknowledge that the experience of transitioning into and out of Remote Learning can have different effects on people. Some people thrive in Remote Learning conditions, some struggle, some love to come back to school to see their friends and colleagues and again, some struggle. This is where our ability to be socially aware shines. I was proud of the MEC Community both during Remote Learning and back onsite where we supported each other and did our utmost to be mindful of how others were feeling. Particularly during this time of change, I have faith that MEC is prepared to support every individual with their specific needs. I encourage anyone who is experiencing difficulty to reach out for help.
It was great to have all of our students back onsite before the end of the term. Schools have a very strange feeling without students. All students have returned to onsite learning and have been encouraged by their teachers to maintain learning as a priority. Our Year 11 students have been undertaking exams and showing a great deal of effort to their studies. Semester Two for Year 7-10 will begin after the holidays at the start of Term 3.
The Gym has been repaired following the damaged caused by the storms on 9th June. The strong winds that night caused panelling on the west side of the Gym to be prized off and left a large amount of the wall exposed. Fortunately, there was little to no long-term damage and the builders were able to reinstate and reinforce the panels quickly.
I’d like to welcome two new staff members to the College. Mrs Courtney Richmond joins us as an English/Humanities teacher and Mrs Janiece Hodgson joins our tutor team. Both teachers will bring a range of experience and we are pleased to have them as part of the MEC Community. I’d also like to congratulate a number of existing staff members who have been appointed in new roles for Semester Two; Mr Matthew Green as Year 8 Level Leader, Mr Julian Tomassoni as Year 10 Assistant Level Leader, Mrs Rebecca Taylor as Humanities Domain Leader and Ms Teri Minnemeyer as English Domain Leader for Term 4. I congratulate all staff to their new appointments and know that they will be fantastic in their new roles.
I know may of you will be saddened by the news that Ms Jenny Pudney is officially resigning from The Department of Education. I wish to formally recognise the contributions Ms Pudney made to Mount Erin College, especially in relation to the strong links she fostered with the community and the support she gave our students. We wish her all the best for her future adventures.
Thank you again to you all for your continued support of Mount Erin College. I wish you the very best for the remainder of Term 2 and hope you have a lovely relaxing break over the winter holidays.
Jenni Hodgins