Important Dates and Information
College Bus Travellers / SWOT / Bread Bag Collection / Wellbeing Information
Important Dates and Information
College Bus Travellers / SWOT / Bread Bag Collection / Wellbeing Information
Term 2, 2021
Week 10
25th June (Fri) - Last Day Term 2 (2:30pm Finish)
Term 3, 2021
Week 1
12th July (Mon) - First Day Term 3 - Welcome Back!
Term 3 Bus Payments Information
Payments due by: Thursday 15th July, 2021
Please see Mr Kenyon or the Front Office if you have any questions.
Please make sure that you continue to collect during the holidays and bring in all your bread bags and tags before July 16th.
Please place them in the boxes at the front office.
We will be sending them off in the second week of Term 3.
We will still be collecting bottle tops and bread tags after this date up in Food Tech. The bottle tops are being sent to Lids4kids and the bread tags are being sent to Bread Tags for Wheelchairs where they are both being recycled for various purposes. Links have been added for those wanting to find out more.
Remember - you can still recycle your own bread bags and other soft plastics the usual way - in the REDcycling bins in Woolworths and Coles and we encourage you all to continue to do this.
What do we do?