Loft Room 

This semester the children are exploring a transdisciplinary theme of "Who We Are". We are investigating the nature of the self, beliefs and values and human relationships, including families, friends, communities and cultures. Our statement of inquiry for this unit is 'Little People Have Big Dreams'. We are using the Little People, Big Dreams series of books to support the children in thinking about their dreams and how they would like to succeed with their dreams.


We are also exploring the transdisciplinary theme of how “People Use Spaces” where children are inquiring into “how we organise ourselves” and “why we organise ourselves”. Through a series of questions and wonderings, children are getting ready to put on their ‘designer hats’ to identify problems and find solutions to redesign and reorganise their learning environment. 



In addition, in the transdisciplinary theme of “Maths is a Language”, we have been exploring patterns that are a group of numbers or objects related to each other by a rule, thus delving into patterns found in nature and within a series of numbers. Discussions have also revolved around how we can observe visible patterns such as day and night or the phases of the moon, thus reiterating that Maths is all around us. 


Paul O'Leary & Nanaki Kaur

Loft Room Teachers