Office Oracle  

Library Fundraiser

SchoolsStrike4Climate is an Australian organisation run by high school students that organise protests that are driven and run by students. Their aim is to get the government to wake up to human practices that have an environmental impact on the Climate. 


The protest this Friday on May 21st will be at Treasury Gardens at 1pm. Fund our Future not Gas! Is the protest slogan, to bring awareness to the million dollar deals the Australian Government has made recently by funding gas companies who extract gas from the earth. This process is called Fracking. It has many environmental impacts such as contaminating underwater tables, rivers and streams and may cause earthquakes etc. This is devastating for farmers and the environment.  The long lasting effects are unknown. What has this to do with Climate?  Gas is  a fossil fuel, so it still drives climate change. Burning gas for energy produces CO2, which is the most significant greenhouse gas and some gas power stations in Australia are actually worse than coal.


A number of senior school kids are going to the protest to represent Preshil and are raising money for this organisation at school. So, this is a coordinated effort from both campuses to support Australian students in making a stand for the environment and their future. 


Come to our SchoolsStrike4Climate book sale on Friday May 21st 3pm-4.30pm at Kevin Borland Hall to raise money for Australian student activism and awareness of fracking in Australia and the Million dollar deals the Australian Government has made with Gas companies!

Emily Smith


Quiz Night

The Quiz night is on again!

Thursday, 27 May at Arlington.

to book, please click the link below. Tickets are nearly sold out!

Mount Street Traffic

Kindly note that Mount Street is a one-way street at drop off and pick up times. Traffic is only permitted to be city-bound at these times.


Leonid is the Chess Master who teaches Chess on Thursdays at 3.30 pm in the library.  Please see below for more information.


Changes to Kelly Club

With the secondary students beginning rehearsals for their production of A Little Shop of Horrors, Kelly Club will relocate from the Kevin Borland Hall to the Sunroom each Tuesday and Wednesday. Don't forget to enrol your child(ren) on the link below.

2021 Instrumental Music Program

It is never too late to take up an instrument. The handbook and contract are below.

Preshil and Social Media 

For extra updates on what's going on around our School, we encourage all families to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Newsletter number 9

The next edition of the Arlington newsletter for Term Two will be published on Wednesday 2 June, 2021.  







Deb Wright 

Arlington Receptionist