Mr Irwin's Message

Mr Irwin's Message


Hi Families and welcome to this week’s newsletter.


It was terrific to welcome the students back to school after the week of lockdown and see them settle into a routine of learning quickly. 


A reminder that for now we have a few protocols in place that allow our return to school be safe and hopefully sustained including at present no parents on-site, and that masks are encouraged to be worn at drop-off and pickup as this is likely to be a time that social distancing will be compromised.


Semester Two Reports 

At the end of semester two student reports will be sent home to families. There are many aspects that remain the same from semester two last year, including the use of learning continuums for literacy and numeracy. These provide a really explicit update of the skills that student can achieve against our mandated Victorian Curriculum. 


Earlier in the year we surveyed parents about our reports. Despite only getting 5 responses to this survey, one trend common in responses was that parents missed a more personalised comment about their child’s progress at school. We have listened to this feedback in two ways. Firstly, the limited response leads us to believe the majority of families are content with our reporting approach, and secondly the feedback around a more personal comment is something we’ve been able to add to this semester’s report. 

Reports will also include updates on topics and progress covered in specialists and discoveries as well as ratings for attitude and effort.


As always, if you would like clarification or any further information regarding your child’s progress teachers would welcome the opportunity to have a follow up discussion about reports or to share work samples and evidence of learning. 


Reports are available for download via Sentral at the time of completion. The Sentral app has recently been updated so now is a timely reminder to make sure you have Sentral access and have the app downloaded for when semester reports arrive in a few weeks. 


Ask Mr Irwin

Before our lockdown I received some concerns from parents about the speed of cars leaving after school and travelling along Sutherland and Barker Streets at high speeds at the end of the day. Parents have been walking with students or riding home with students on bikes. It’s a timely reminder after recently chatting about parking to please be safe when driving home from school at the end of the day and giving any riders or pedestrians using these roads plenty of space.  


Curriculum Day

A reminder to families that next Tuesday remains a pupil free curriculum day at school. 

Community OSHC will provide care on this day and bookings can be made by visiting their website to do so.  


Jump Rope

To finish this week some footage from Friday's Jump Rope for Heart afternoon. Thanks to Mrs Mc, Miss Caithness and Mr Maskell for their organisation of this day and well done to all the students for their involvement in the practice leading up to the afternoon and their participation on the day. 


Healthy Lunch Box Choices

For more information go to: