Freeman House News

We are well into Term 2 and the events keep happening!


The year 12 celebrated their final year with their Formal at Alencia and was a very successful night. A reminder that over the next month there are a range of events happening including year 8 camp, year 9 city week excursion, year 10 work experience and year 11 and 12 structured workplace learning for VCAL students. We are very grateful to provide such wonderful opportunities for students and we hope they make the most of these opportunities to access a range of experiences as well as make positive memories of their time at school.


Values Nominations

Over the past month we have had a huge number of values nominations especially in learning. Well done to all the nominated students and a special mention to the following students, each being nominated 5 or more times; Ajaz (10G), Ali (8G), Alia (8H), Basira (10G), Blake (11H), Bria (8G), Carrar (9H), Daleia (10H), Farzanah (8G), Louie (8G), Kalab (8H), Mikaylah (11H), Mimmy (7G), Neda (8G), Sajjad (9H), Sounean (11H), Tapale (7H). 


Since the last Newshamper, in total Freeman student nomination totals are; 




Freeman House MVPs: