The Principal's Desk

A Few Words From The Boss

Dear parents, families and friends,



We had a busy half day here last Saturday 19th June with a mini working bee to complete some pressing tasks. New soft fall mulch was added to the Senior Adventure Playground. The large pieces of concrete from the old planter boxes were removed. The old wooden planter with the tree stump near the outside stairs was emptied and disassembled and we begun to empty the sand from the sandbox. Hard and tiring work, however much was achieved and we are ready for the next working bee sometime during Term 3. A big, big thank you to Damian, Julian, Adam and Ryan who joined Frank and myself for five and a half hours of solid work.  


Quotes of the Week:



Enjoy the long weekend and the extra little bit of freedom that has come with the end of lockdown!!


Kind regards,

Matthew Stead
