Literacy Report

Getting it right in English!
Literacy and Technology
We know many of our students are technological experts and own devices at home. One way we engage students during reading and writing lessons is through the use of a range of online apps and websites. Below is a list of some of these website and iPad apps that we use in the classroom. Some of these are free, while some may incur a small cost. We have indicated which are the most appropriate for certain ages/grade levels.
Students may already have accounts to some of these apps or sites. Please ask their teacher for their log in details.
Red- Writing
Grades P-2
iPad app
Letter formation and handwriting practice.
Grades P-2
iPad app (also a website)
A range of games to support reading and phonics.
Grades P-2
iPad app (also a website)
A range of games and tasks focused on letters/sounds and phonic knowledge
Grades P-1
iPad app
Activities focused on reading and writing the letters of the alphabet and learning their sounds.
Grades 1-6
News in student friendly language and format
Grades P-4
Engaging online texts, targetted at students Just Right text level.
All grade levels
iPad app (also a website)
Engaging online texts for all ages.
All grade levels
iPad app
Students are able to create their own books, with features such as adding voice overs. Books can then be added to the iPad library for reading over and over.
Sarah Mills
Leading Teacher- Literacy