Assistant Principal Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
A very warm thank-you to all our parents and carers who completed the feedback survey on our Tutor Learning Initiative Program, known as intervention at our school. The Tutor Learning Initiative is where our teachers identify students needing catch up or extension, in the area of reading and then work with students in a small group setting, on a specific goal outside of the regular classroom program.
At the end of Term 1 we asked our parents and carers to provide the school with feedback on the program so far. Please see below a sample of responses we received from our community.
How has your child benefited from attending small group intervention with class teacher?
- Understand the message of texts and infer the tone the author left in the book
- My child has shown a greater interest in reading and attempting to write.
Small Group:
- She loves to be in this small class, she came home telling us what letters she was learning, and she is learning all the letters very quick
- Yes my child has benefited from participating in the intervention group.
- I think it was a wonderful opportunity for my daughter to have a more focused level of support.
- My son enjoyed the activity with their group
- Yes my daughter is enjoying it, especially the one on one time.
Letter/Sound Knowledge:
- Yes I feel like this program has benefited her a lot, she is recognising letters and sounds and is having a go at spelling her name :)
- I'm not sure. Am I supposed to be comparing it to another time or previous work? What evidence do I look for???
- Yes absolutely
Has your child shared his/her experiences from their time in the program? If so, what have they shared with you?
Reading Experiences:
- He has shared the things he’s learning about and the topic (inferring authors perspective) and how he’s learning about Andrew Barton Patterson and the song he made ‘Waltzing Matilda” and the wild colonial boy. He shared what Archetype meant and what the difference between tone and mood.
- Inferring, using prior knowledge.
- Letters recognised and sounding out letters if she sees them in a word
- Yes all the time, what she was doing what letters she is learning.
Share Focus with parents/carers:
- Parent /carer could further support your efforts IF you let them know what these groups are focusing on. Being able to contribute and continue can only happen if I know what is happening.
- I am just grateful that my child has the opportunity after the year of learning they missed out on in Kinder. Perhaps giving feedback on the things they are specifically focusing on so we can follow through at home.
Many thanks to all our families who took the time to provide us with an insight into their child’s experiences on the program. We will use this feedback to reflect on our practices and strengthen the program.
‘When something is important enough,
You do it even if the odds are not in your favour’. – Elon Musk
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic
Assistant Principal
Hello Melton West Primary School!
We hope you have a great week so far.
We have had NAPLAN for the past couple of days. All our Year 3 and Year 5 students participated in the Australian-wide testing. Overall it has been very successful and our teachers are very proud of the students who completed the tests.
We asked a few students what they thought about NAPLAN and how they felt.
Francis (3M) - It was less stressful than I was expecting. I tried my best.
Eshaal (3A) - It was exciting and fun. I felt a bit nervous but at the end I felt happy because I tried my best.
Ashton (56D) - I wrote 21 lines on the writing test. My goal was to write 6 lines but I wrote 21 lines. This made me feel amazing.
Alexandra (56D) - I think I did better than my previous NAPLAN Tests because I am now more focussed on my learning.
Your vice-captains,