Year 7s learn to be cyber-smart

Year 7s enjoying the Dot.Com workshop

Year 7 Dot.Com: Project Rockit

Last week, the Year 7s were been introduced to Project Rockit, an anti-cyber bullying program for children and adults around Australia. The program featured some entertaining activities that relate to cyber bullying and social media. We had a public speaking competition, then we talked about some of the risks, and things that we fear about speaking to our peers. After, we did an activity called ' The Humanchain ' that told us about how information can be past down quickly, and the information can be altered immensely. Lastly, we looked at some pictures of strangers and how we judge them with the first word we thought of. We learnt how different opinions can towards others can be brutal but once we found out those strangers were important friends to others, we showed empathy. Overall, the program was an educational experience and we enjoyed it thoroughly. 


By Lulu Beatty and Victor Chang 7B