Lunchtime clubs continue to grow

Explore your passion - or find a new interest

Update from last newsletter: new Lunchtime Clubs added .

Lunchtime clubs are a great opportunity for students to meet new friends, learn a new skill or just have some fun. This year we have a bumper crop of 17 lunchtime clubs for students with 5 new clubs starting up. Students and staff are taking up the challenge to start new clubs with Declan (Year 11) initiating the Board Game Club every Monday in the Library and Krish (Year 8) teaching Magic Tricks to students on Thursday in B15. The Improv club led by staff members Harley Helford and Sandy McLeod has gone off with a bang and Hannah Valmadre's Media club is definitely one to get involved in if you are keen on discussing journalism and new media. Old favourites include the Green Team on Mondays in G7, Writer’s Club on Thursdays in L1 and the Alphabet Space for LGBTIQ students and allies on Fridays in M15.


All clubs are open to everyone and all have a staff member involved in either coordinating the group or supporting the students to do so. Club lists are displayed outside M11 and in the Library.


Watch this space for news about the new Feminist Collective - led by some very enthusiastic Year 7, 8 and 9 students -  to be launched next week!


Ideas for new clubs and activities are always welcome – see Felicity in M11 to get started.

An updated clubs schedule is attached.