
Live Love Learn

Dear Families,

Once again we find ourselves in a lockdown situation with students accessing remote learning. We understand that these are challenging times and different families will have different needs during this time. Please know that we are here to support you in any way that we can.  


At Galilee, we started Remote Learning today with all students accessing Remote Learning Tasks, attending Whole Class Google Hangouts and we also had a number of students attending small group focus Google Hangouts in English and Mathematics. We would like to thank you for supporting your child/ren's learning during this time and we would also like to thank the Galilee Staff for pivoting their Learning and Teaching program without much notice, to become an online program.


We will continue Remote Learning next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and hope to see you all back onsite on Friday. 


Please read the letter below that was sent on Thursday outlining the implications for for the current COVID lockdown for Galilee.


Please note that First Eucharist scheduled for next week at both parishes has been postponed due to the lockdown.


Student-Free Day

Yesterday the Acting Premier announced that schools could make a local decision whether to hold a student-free day on Friday.

It was on this advice that we decided to proceed with offering Remote Learning today rather than being student-free.  We also believed that a student-free day at short notice may have added further inconvenience to our families.

Later in the day we received a direction from Catholic Education informing us that today would be student-free.

I thank the teachers for their flexibility in proceeding with Remote Learning today with many other schools being student-free.

While we are hoping that we return to onsite learning on Friday June 4, if the lockdown is continued, we will consider setting our own student-free day to prepare for more remote learning, possibly on Friday June 4. 


We wish you every blessing during this lockdown. 

Head Lice

There have been a few cases of head lice reported throughout the school. 

Please check and treat your child's hair so outbreaks can be kept under control. 


Let it Go 

By showing that you are willing to say sorry to, and forgive others and yourself when you need to, you will feel heavy loads lifted off your shoulders. It takes courage to bring yourself to do these things to protect respectful relationships, but when you use your strengths to do the, you will feel your state of wellbeing grow. People who waste their energy and effort holding grudges are often the unhappiest people you will meet.  

Benefits of Reading Aloud

Research shows that children who are given exposure to books daily by someone who loves books will develop the desire to learn to read. This intrinsic motivation can do more to help a child learn to read than all the worksheets in the world. So, when you do your best to find time to read aloud every day, you're doing much more than "just" reading to your child.

When you make time for a read-aloud every day, you also make time for:

  • Enjoying the sheer pleasure that books can bring
  • Real-life exposure to the language and literacy skills children have been learning throughout the course of the school day
  • Inspiring beginning readers to plunge onward with their reading efforts
  • Sending the message that reading books is so important, that time is made for it every day without exception.

Italian Day

Italiano 2021

We celebrated all the things we love that is Italian on Wednesday 26th may.

The children came dressed up in colourful and creative costumes, ready to have fun.

Here are a few highlights from all the grades.

Prep S- Making Italian custard for the cannoli.
Prep P- Enjoying That’s Amore incursion.
Year 1’s- Gelato, pizza and cooking.
Year I’s having a dance. Che vita bella.
2R- Michaelangelo Masterpieces in progress.
Year 1 & 4 -Buddy Fun.
Year 3B-Leaning Tower of Pisa creation.
Year 3M- Happy piccolo Italiani.
Year 4’s Showing off their dance moves.
Year 5C – Buddy Waiter Race.
5C- Anyone for a gondola ride?
Year 6 – Leaning Tower of Pisa -no more.
Year 6- Filling their cannoli with custard.
Year 6- Ahh! Belllissimo- Custard cannoli.
Prep M – Gratitude for Italian Day.
Prep S- Making Italian custard for the cannoli.
Prep P- Enjoying That’s Amore incursion.
Year 1’s- Gelato, pizza and cooking.
Year I’s having a dance. Che vita bella.
2R- Michaelangelo Masterpieces in progress.
Year 1 & 4 -Buddy Fun.
Year 3B-Leaning Tower of Pisa creation.
Year 3M- Happy piccolo Italiani.
Year 4’s Showing off their dance moves.
Year 5C – Buddy Waiter Race.
5C- Anyone for a gondola ride?
Year 6 – Leaning Tower of Pisa -no more.
Year 6- Filling their cannoli with custard.
Year 6- Ahh! Belllissimo- Custard cannoli.
Prep M – Gratitude for Italian Day.

A few final thoughts from the children about Italian Day…


Annabelle from 5C, enjoyed the incursion, with the song and dancing. She also loved soap carving, where she made lovely shapes out of soap!

Maya from 3M, enjoyed the leaning tower of Pisa, she loved the yummy marshmallows afterwards.

Lilliana from Prep P, enjoyed the buddy races, she said the gelatos were delicious, she tried her very best to win, to get the surprise of some lollies!

Christopher from 6F, enjoyed the pizza, he was only there for half of it, but he loved getting the experience of building the leaning tower of Pisa, out of marshmallows and pasta.

Lucy from 1J, liked making the cannoli and eating the yummy pizza and gelato.

Deio from 2J, enjoyed making cannoli and of course, eating the delicious pizza and ice cream!

Book Club

Issue 4 of Scholastic Book Club is out now. Orders are due by 11th June via the Loop Ap.

Scripture of the Week

Bicentennial Mass

At Galilee, we were invited on Monday 24th of May to attend the Bicentennial mass at St Patrick’s cathedral commemorating 200 years of Catholic education within Australia. With Covid 19 restrictions only nine students were allowed to attend. These included our school captains Eliza and Isaac, our Social Justice leaders TC and Aiden and our Years 4-6 Social Justice leaders: Alexis, Samuel, Sammy, Alex and Orlando. The students met the Arch Bishop, enjoyed the ceremony and reverently participated. They represented our school very well. 

Eucharist Reflection Day

A great time was had by all Year 4 students at their Eucharist Reflection day on Thursday!  

The students participated in activities such as godly play, drama and singing about the feeding of the 5000 and making scones which were used to symbolise remembering the Last Supper, Good Friday and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They also went to the church for a full practice.

Many thanks to all involved who contributed to such a fantastic experience for these students!


Hello everyone!

Last Sunday we celebrated Pentecost, the birth of the Church.

Pentecost marks the end of the 50 days of the time of Easter, and is also the day Jesus sent His Spirit to the apostles and His Mother, Mary.

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from Heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to.”-Acts 2:4

The Holy Spirit gave the apostles courage and wisdom for them to preach boldly in the Name of Jesus and to be His witnesses to the truth.

Everyday, we can ask the Holy Spirit to give us His 7 gifts, which include: Wisdom, counsel, fortitude, understanding, piety and fear of the Lord. 


Come Holy Spirit, Soul of my soul, 

I adore You.

Enlighten me, guide me,

strengthen me, console me, 

teach me what I must do, let me only know Your Will.



-Cardinal Mercier

Sacramental Dates 2021

Eucharist Postponed 





StsPP- Thursday 19 August 7.00pm

OLMC - Wednesday 18 August 7.00pm