From the Acting Principal

Kristie Satilmis

Circuit-breaker Lockdown and return to remote learning May 28 – June 10

Our broader community has been impacted in many different ways by the rapidly changing circumstances and challenges presented by Covid-19 over the past year, and this current lockdown is no exception.  It is important to remain mindful that these impacts are felt by each member of our school community - staff, students and families - in very personal and individual ways.  It has been wonderful to see the way this diversity of experience has been respected within our AHS community.


The extended lockdowns of 2020 provided useful insights to enable teachers to ensure continued provision of high-quality teaching and learning programs in the remote environment, but of course nothing can compare with being face-to-face.  I would like to commend AHS staff and students on their swift and smooth transition back to remote learning and for their optimistic, can-do attitude.


Fortunately, we have been able to conduct our Year 11 and 12 examinations on site as scheduled, which has been a great relief to our VCE students.  I would like to acknowledge our Year 10 students, particularly those undertaking Year 11 studies, as they have faced the additional challenge of sitting their examinations remotely with admirable determination and a positive outlook.  Following yesterday's announcement from the Acting Premier, we look forward to welcoming all students back to onsite learning from Friday June 11th.

Parents/ guardians are asked to please contact the school by phone or email during the transition period as restrictions are gradually eased.  Masks remain mandatory and must be worn whilst travelling to/from school and whilst onsite.  We do not have a supply of masks available for students - it is the responsibility of each student to ensure they have a well-fitting mask on each day, and a spare in their bag.  Students without a mask (and without an exemption) will be asked to go home and get one or to call a parent to bring one to school.


Please advise the school urgently if you/your child has been advised to isolate having been at an exposure site so that we can put supports in place.  Also, please do not come to school if you are feeling unwell/have cold/flu symptoms and get tested.

Changes to key dates

The Public Meeting/parent workshop scheduled for June 8th has been postponed, and will now take place on August 10th.  Bookings are now open for this new date.  Please refer to Compass for details.


The Assessment and Reporting Day scheduled for June 11th will now take place on June 18th.  This is a student-free day and there will be no classes running on the day.

Capital Works Projects

There have been some minor delays to Stage 2 works due to the circuit-breaker lockdown, but the building team anticipate the project will be all but completed by the end of the July holidays.  The new heating/cooling system is on track to be operational before the end of the holidays.  System balancing and commissioning is expected in the first two weeks of the new term, along with some cosmetic repairs and touch-ups throughout the building.


Our project architects, Wowowa, have been hard at work drafting and developing plans for our new second building and we are now at the Schematic Design sign-off stage of the process. 


We look forward to sharing the finalised design with you very soon.