Learning & Teaching News

Keeping the main thing, the main thing

This week has seen our whole community return to remote and flexible learning, finding ourselves learning and working from home. We are now all too familiar with the challenges and the benefits of this experience. Remote learning for many students was an experience which allowed for self-reflection, connection with family in new and positive ways, and a development of an ever growing sense of self determination. Students in many cases came to the realisation, that it was their attitude, their openness to be flexible and to ask for help, their responsibility and organisation that would support their success. 

As teachers we learnt the same lessons. At the start of the year, I spoke with our Subject Coaches about the importance of keeping the main thing, the main thing. That is, to maintain our clear and purposeful focus on improving learning growth for all students, in all classrooms. Our team has made a commitment to support teachers to implement the best teaching practices to meet students where they are at on their learning journey and to ensure that they continue to grow. This is a message that is as true today as it was in February. Our students’ learning progress mattered then, and it matters just as much now.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind students, teachers and parents of the importance of routine and organisation at this time. Reflecting on what you learnt in the first period of remote learning, and considering carefully what might be enhanced and what might need to be modified. 

It is also timely to remind ourselves, that we are most open to learning when we are safe and the tasks are just beyond what we already know. Stress does not create an environment for growth and so we encourage students and parents to make contact, ask for help and seek further direction and support if and when it is needed. I have again attached our tips for remote learning. Students are encouraged to keep focussed, connected and driven in their determination to engage, participate and learn to the very best of their ability, remembering that the entire school community is there for them. 


Louise Mansfield                                                              Mr David Hansen

Learning and Teaching Pedagogy Coach              Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching

Cranbourne Campus