School News

Student Awards




For continual improvement and participation in Literacy

For an amazing creative Italian role play video

1/2 F



For  working extremely hard during Remote Learning and submitting all work at the end of each day.
1/2 M




For such fantastic participation during the literacy session focusing on question marks and exclamation marks.

For completing her school work at a high standard, making sure her writing is neat and tidy. 

1/2 W



For enthusiastic participation during Google Trivia Meets last week.

For excellent focus during Google Meets and completing his work to the best of his ability. 

3/4 L




For an excellent start to her learning this term (completing & submitting work)

For an excellent start to his learning this term (completing & submitting work)

3/4 MS




For his focus on completing tasks and working independently during remote learning.

For completing beautifully presented work and remaining engaged throughout remote learning.

5/6 D




 For asking questions, actively seeking and applying feedback in all work areas.

For consistently maintaining a high standard of work throughout remote learning

5/6 KW




For persevering with their division work, asking for advice and taking heed of it when it was provided.

For persevering with their division work, asking for advice and taking heed of it when it was provided.

We congratulate all these students for their achievements!!


Parent Teacher Learning Conferences

The Learning Conferences will be happening, however, they will be offered as a remote format. You have the option of choosing either a video meet or a phone call. The conferences are 20 minute appointments to allow for discussion that would normally have been happening if we had been at school.


School Hours During Covoid19

Parents, where possible, please wait until your child's temperature has been taken before leaving.


8.30am - Gates Open, students go straight to classrooms. 

9.00am - 11.00am - Learning Block One

11.00am - Lunch Break

11.45am - Learning Block Two

1.45am - Recess Break

2.15pm - Learning Block Three

3.15pm:  Dismissal

3.30pm - Gates Closed and staff stop supervision duty


OSHClub still operating Before and After Hours Care Program.


School Assembly

If you missed our Assembly this week, here it is below. If it doesn't work, please let me know.