
Updating Medical and Contact information

Medical information: 

Please inform the College Nurse if there are any changes to your child’s medical information.


Contact information:

Please inform College Administration office if there are any changes to your contact/emergency information.


College Medication procedure

If a parent requests the College Nurse administer medication to their child, they must complete a Medication Request Form, this is available from the Health Centre. The medication must be in its original container or packaging and clearly labelled with the following:   

  • Child’s name
  • Name of medication              
  • Expiry date
  • Dose and time to be given
  • If a student is required to carry and self-administer medication while at school, only a single measured dose for one school day can brought onto the College premises. Medication must be locked in that student’s locker.
  • Students with diagnosed Asthma are advised to carry their reliever medication with them at all times.
  • Students with diagnosed Anaphylaxis must carry their Epipen (adrenaline autoinjector) with them at all times if age appropriate. Students must carry their Epipen to all off-site and out of school hours activities eg, sport, drama etc.
  • Students with diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes must carry their “hypo Kit”at all times.


Jenny Hill

College Nurse