Japanese News

Year 8 Obentou Design Task

This term, Year 8 students had the opportunity to take part in an interdisciplinary learning project across Japanese and Design & Technologies.

As part of a Food Unit in Japanese, students studied the culture of おべんとう (obentou), Japanese school lunch boxes. They explored the history, traditions, and philosophy behind obentou. 

Meanwhile, in Design & Technologies students have been learning about Nutrition, including the six essential nutrients, their sources and their role in the body. Students were then tasked with designing and preparing their own obentou. 

Students were given a list of primary ingredients such as rice, nori sheets and lettuce. They then had to select 3-5 additional ingredients, taking into consideration that they included a range of flavours, colours and textures in their final product. Students then identified the nutrients in their obentou and provided a sensory analysis, explaining the taste, texture, aroma and appearance.

We were blown away by the student's creativity. Please scroll through the photo gallery and enjoy looking at their final products.


Avril Alderdice and Alex Rodrick

Secondary Teachers