Positive Education

Year 10 Focus Day 

Last Wednesday the sounds of squeals of delight were palpable around the College as the Year 10 students were let into a secret that some staff had been aware of for a couple of weeks; no formal lessons were being held that day.  


You could not wipe the grins off their faces as they were invited to head to Cafe 1847 where they were served a hot drink, a biscuit and a sweet treat before being directed to the Cahill Centre for a day of exploring the idea of reconnecting with their peers and making new connections. 


The day moved from an intense workshop which explored the ideas around accepting and rejecting people to listening to former College Captains Megwyn Mosenthal (Class of 2015) and Lucy Allwright (Class of 2017),  as well as staff member and former student Mrs Norma Cooper, who all sent messages of love and support as these girls head into the final semester at the College. This was then followed by the students working through ways of repairing harm, restoring relationships and forgiving each other, which was facilitated by our expert staff.  


The afternoon saw a myriad of activities from planting cactus to card making, from journal writing to making face scrubs, along with some lighthearted sporting fun.  All of this was interspersed with laughter as the students watched snippets of the show The Office and smirked and giggled at the exploits of Olive and Mabel.  


To conclude the day the Year 10 students worked with their College Captains, Bronte Gadon and Gabby Cousins, as well as Mrs Lyndal Tewes to formulate a Year 10 Statement and make a bead pin, which will serve as a visual reminder about the manner in which, they as a year group, will move forward into their final semester. 


Naturally, a day like this can not go ahead without the great support of the staff at the College, with special thanks to Linda Howe, Caroline Jager, Tania Saville, Heidi Koerner, Gary Hoggard, Hannah Legge, Phoebe Wootton, Lynda Hewitt, Lynda Hudson, Anthony Chapman and Lyndal Tewes.  


Melanie Sluyters

Director of Positive Education