Primary Music

Year 4 students learning the Sakura Dance, complete with yukatas and cherry blossom.

Music Tuition Update

We are hopeful that when Term 3 commences, there will be some easing of restrictions meaning that we may be able to access some of the smaller teaching rooms. 

Hannah May, our singing teacher, is unavailable for teaching on Tuesdays for the remainder of the year, meaning students who have a lesson with her on this day will be moved to another day where possible. Those students effected will be contacted.

Enid Wellington will continue to work from home. 


Wednesday afternoons : 3.20pm-4.20pm

The students in the Primary string group, Fiddlesticks, are to be congratulated on their progress despite the COVID-19 requirements. Since the return to on campus learning, the group has been rehearsing at lunchtime. They have been working on ‘The Skye Boat Song’, ‘Chicken on a Fencepost’, ‘Sword Dance’,  ‘Caribbean Carnival’ and a Swedish Folk song.  

With an ease in restrictions, Fiddlesticks rehearsals will return to after school on Wednesday from 3.20pm until 4.20pm. 

Year 6 Pop Group 

Friday lunchtime : 12.50pm

A reliable group of students meets every Friday at lunchtime to develop skills in performance. They have been sharing roles with a generous spirit. There is much involved in putting a song together from the practical of finding the lyrics, chords, setting up the instruments and microphones to deciding on arrangements.