Identity and Mission

A recent UTAS study found that during the COVID-19 lockdown, around 25% of Tasmanians experienced food shortages; essentially they were unable to supply themselves and their families with enough food. 


That is a staggering statistic for a state that has recently enjoyed a boom through tourism and other industries. It emphasises just what a major impact the shutdown had on people who were living from pay to pay, and the deeper inequities that exist in our society that saw so many people struggling to feed themselves. The COVID-19 crisis has made us all aware of the fragility in peoples lives that is all too prevalent within our community. So, we respond. 


Students have been asked to contribute to the Vinnies Winter Appeal by bringing in blankets and clothing that can be donated to those who need it. If you haven't already, please see if there is anything your family can contribute which will ease the suffering of others. The Mission Sisters have also been raising money by declaring this week Nail Polish Week, where for $1 a day, students can paint their nails in support of the poor and marginalised. 




Finally, the Year 8 STRIVE Program have turned the cancellation of excursions into a positive by using their time to make soup, muffins and Anzac biscuits to be distributed by Loui's Van throughout Hobart and surrounds. 


It is our Catholic heritage in action; we are living out the values of the Sisters of Charity who came to Hobart and immediately sought to ease the pain of the local people. We encourage the students to continue to look for ways that they can assist those in need.



Anthony Chapman

Director of Mission and Identity