A Word from the Principal

It is hard to believe that the College has successfully completed the term. 


What a term it has been, beginning with learning on line and then a successful transition to learning back on site.  Along with the learning returning to classrooms, new safety plans had to be created and approved. A huge thank you to all of the community for your support, acceptance and care of each other during this time.  I know that teaching staff will be using this break to refresh and regenerate after what could only be described as an energy intensive term. 


In relation to this term and our school’s response to Coronavirus, my enduring thanks goes to the staff of the College, who did everything they possibly could for both the students and also the welfare of our wider school community during the last few months - a magnificent effort by a great staff team. 


I remind all parents and carers that staff will not be checking work emails over the next fortnight and I direct you to the College Office email for all matters.


Thought of the week

Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience. 



Fiona Nolan
