Fantastic French

Bonjour tout le monde!




Grade 5 and 6 are using numbers to ask questions about age, addresses and phone numbers. Can you guess what these questions mean?

-Quel âge as-tu?

-Quel est ton numèro de téléphone?

-Quel est ton adresse?


Grade 3 and 4 students have been researching French foods and discovered some interesting facts. Did you know that the word baguette simply means "wand", "baton" or "stick", as in baguette magique (magic wand), baguettes chinoises (chopsticks), or baguette de direction (conductor's baton). It was first recorded as a kind of bread in 1920.





Grade 1 and 2 are learning and revising more  French words for the family.

Did you know grandmother is "grandmère" in French and " grandpère " is grandfather?


 Foundation students are learning about pets and adjectives.

Did you know that "Un poisson rouge"  is a red fish but also a gold fish.


Au revoir

Madame Higgins et Madame T.