
Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

Always was always will be

Always Was, Always Will Be- recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. 


Always was, Always Will Be - acknowledges that hundreds of Nations and their cultures covered this continent. All were managing the land – the biggest estate on earth – to sustainably provide for their future. 


In Australia we have the oldest living culture on the planet with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who have much to teach us. For NAIDOC week this year I have been trying to find out about Songlines. Like many indigenous cultures history is preserved and passed down through song, dance, art and stories of the Dreamtime. I have learnt that woven into this history is the oral tradition of songlines - an ancient memory code used by indigenous cultures around the world. Songlines trace the journeys of ancestral spirits as they created the land, animals and lore - they have connections to place. My aim this week is to learn more, listen and seek some understanding of the importance of songlines and the connections across time. Lots to learn. 


We look forward to celebrating NAIDOC Week next Wednesday November 18th with our Junior School Council Free Dress Day - see their page in this newsletter for details.


Some things you might like to explore on ABC iview - NAIDOC Week 

Remembrance Day 

"Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest."  Maya Angelou 


We paused on November 11th to remember the courage and sacrifice of those who fought for our freedom and a timely reminder of the virtues that prevail. 


Thank you to all who have purchased poppies for Remembrance Day this year. 

Classes for 2021

All students have experienced the unexpected in 2020, spending more time away from their class mates than with them in the classroom. We are currently reviewing our classes for 2021 and how many groups we keep together, taking into consideration the learning environments of all students.


As part of our planning process I invite parents to spend time considering their child's learning, social and emotional needs for the 2021 school year. This is the opportunity for you to consider what you have learnt about your child in the remote learning time, and enables you to share your thoughts about your child's specific needs so we can work together to provide the best possible learning environment. 


As a parent you advocate for your child, you want what is best for them, you support and fight for their needs. It is important we clarify good advocacy. Letting us know your child learns best in an active learning environment, with opportunities to negotiate their learning is good advocacy, whilst requesting a particular teacher for your child is not good advocacy. All children experience different teachers throughout their education. It is important you share information about your child's needs but not tell us which class they need to be placed into.


This is not an opportunity to select a teacher - this is not school policy and any requests for specific teachers will not be taken into consideration. We are proud of our teaching staff and we work as a highly functional team, planning and working to provide the best learning environment possible at Boroondara Park PS.


The Google form Dear Ms Lowe has changed this year and the time to submit responses is limited - we ask that you complete the form by Friday November 20th. 


Thanks for taking the time to provide your thoughts.  

Uniform Shop

Does your child need uniform? Because of the COVID pandemic our onsite uniform shop has closed for Term 4 this year and Term 1 next year. If you need uniform then your options are:

  • order online - RHSport - orders can be delivered to school and then sent home with your child
  • visit the shop at 100 New St Ringwood

Gates and onsite access

This is the last week that we will have teachers on all five gates at the commencement and end of the school days. We will continue to have a staff member on Almond Street and Balwyn Road before and after school. We request that all students continue to enter and exit via their allocated entrance gate. Our students are used to the routine in the mornings and afternoons now, thank you for your continued support around gates, making sure you keep yourself and others safe. 

If you are running late for school then contact the office, they will invite you to drive into the carpark or meet you at the Almond St gate and we will ensure your child enters the building and heads off to class. 


Each week we receive updated in information from the Department of Education in terms of changes to restrictions. We will let you know as soon as possible if changes to parent access to the school grounds and buildings recommences. 

Crossing supervisor news

Next week we see the return of Martin to the Balwyn Road crossing - I am sure he looks forward to seeing everyone again net week. This will be the first time he has been back on duty since the first lockdown, be sure to give him a wave and a smile. 

2020 Parent Opinion Survey reminder

Thank you to the parents who have completed the Parent Opinion Survey. A reminder that the survey is open until this Friday November 13th. 


Supporting the community

The annual Christmas Tree appeal will be taking place at BPPS again this year. We invite families to send non-perishable food items, gift vouchers, toys, books and other items which will be donated to the local Boroondara Salvation Army. They will then distribute the gifts to needy families in the community. 


Starting next week gifts can be sent with your child to be placed under the tree in the foyer. 

Parking concerns

Please take note of the signage around the school. There have been parking inspectors in the area. If you are parking in Almond Street remember that the section between the two driveways at the front of the school is for dropping only. You risk a large fine if you leave your car, this is especially relevant in the afternoons, we have noticed an increase in cars being parked and left for pick up. Save your money and follow the signs. 

Is your child commencing in Foundation in 2021?

If you have a child due to start school in 2021 please contact the office with any questions, take part in our transition program as you can and download the enrolment form from our website and return as soon as possible. 

There is talk within many school communities about 2021 and student performance. We will have further information regarding this in coming newsletters. 

Is your child staying at BPPS in 2021?

If you know that your child will be leaving BPPS at the end of 2020 please fill in the Google form to assist us with planning. 

Leaving Boroondara Park at the end of 2020



Stay safe, stay well and enjoy renewed time with your wider family and friends!

Susanne Lowe
