Keep on Learning

One of my roles at St Andrews is the Junior School STEM teacher and it is probably one of the most rewarding parts of my job.
Last week the Year 3 STEM students hosted a Cardboard Arcade for the Primary students called “Saints Arcade”. The students had to use only recyclable products and create an arcade style game. Students worked in groups and employed the Engineering Design process they had been learning about to create their games. This activity was incredibly fun and the students learnt to work in teams to run an arcade style stand.
I am so proud of all the work and creativity displayed by these young inspiring students. Well done Year 3!
Yvonne Hughes
Head of Junior School
The Year 4 students did a project on Christopher Columbus by researching information, finding pictures and studying the maps of their sea journeys and explorations. They then wrote and illustrated books specifically for Year 2 readers. Year 4V visited the 2H classroom and read their amazing books, sharing their knowledge with the Year 2s who listened attentively and asked very interesting questions.
Well done Year 4s!
Mrs van Heerden (Year 4 Teacher) and Mrs Hendricks (Year 2 Teacher)
Year 9 Art students are celebrating the completion of artworks that they began during online continuous learning. These artworks explored the theme of "Who Am I".
Students were encouraged to explore their God-given talents, and to consider the ways that their unique attributes can bring glory to God. The artistic talent of our students never ceases to blow me away!
Tom Gibbs
Art Teacher
How delightful are these bright and beautiful Self Portraits created by our Year 1 Students?!
Below are some photos of the artworks our Year 2 Students have been busy making including some wonderful Christmas collages.
Here are some amazing cactus sculptures from our talented Year 5 art students.
Six of our Debaters participated in the debate organised by the Christian Schools Events Network on Zoom on the 13th October 2020.
Though we did not win, it was a close contest and we are very proud of our debaters who presented themselves with clarity, poise and grace.
Debating this year was truly an incredible learning experience. With the whole process of preparing, discussing, practising and presenting our debate on zoom, everyone was able to learn something new. I personally learnt the importance of communication and was able to build and develop my debating skills. Although debating this year was unlike any other, with the help of Mrs Krishnan and Mrs Cocking, the debate went smoothly and everyone benefited from this amazing experience. – Melissa Yao
Debating really taught me how to be confident when I do public speaking. It was different this year, as we did it all on zoom, but it was still a really fun experience! – Hannah Connolly
Debating this year has been an eye-opening experience with new challenges. Joining debating has been fun and exciting - getting to hear everyone’s views on the topics, researching on the arguments, and connecting with the team on-line. A great feeling of connection and community during the time of lockdown! – Una You
This year was my first time debating. I assumed it would be very different to what it would usually be as it was online, but despite that, it was really fun. It was interesting to learn all about persuasive language and debating techniques. It was a great experience and I look forward to doing it again. – Sidra Dharmadasa
This year's debating provided a fun, interesting and informative experience, especially since we were not able to communicate and discuss our topic in person, and everything was done remotely! I learnt so much from my fellow team mates and teachers. The experience also helped me improve my debating skills, and I can't wait to do more debating next year! – Aruvi Gopesh
This year I tried debating for the first time. It was such a fun, educational experience. During the few weeks before the debate, I learnt how to research, write and present a speech. All these skills helped me grow more as a person. I learnt so much from the teachers and other girls in my team. Although we couldn't meet up in person, we were still able to use technology to communicate and deliver a speech. Debating this year was a wonderful experience, and I can't wait for the next round of debates . – Evangeline Wong
To celebrate, we had a cosy morning tea at school, as the team reminisced about their debating experiences - Well done, Debaters!
Diane Cocking and Rajes Krishnan
On the 12th of November, the Year 10 Theatre Class performed the production, “It’s not you, it’s me” as a core assessment task. Each student contributed to the acting, directing and the production aspects of this play and were proactive in preparing for this with a limited amount of time.
The class were able to apply all the knowledge gained throughout the year and were able to persevere through the challenges posed by COVID-19. They felt privileged to gain the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience and really enjoyed the experience.
Roselyn Kho
Year 10 Student
On Monday 23rd November St Andrews had three teams of students from Year 3 to 6 compete in the CSEN wordplay competition.
Contestants had to use a variety of linguistic tools to decipher some very tricky clues and solve a crime to find out who stole from the word bank (I thought Peter Pun looked the shiftiest!).
A lot of fun was had by all - Congratulations to Ethan, Kevin, Amelie, Adina and Daniel on coming first!
Kerryn Terrington
Learning Assistance Teacher