Positive Climate for Learning

5-6 Learning Community

It’s hard to believe that we’re almost halfway through Term 4 already! In the 5-6 Learning Community we have been creating summaries of things that we have read, writing procedural texts, deepening our understanding of fractions, decimals and money, learning about economics and are about to take on the challenge of being entrepreneurs. 


Even with lots of learning going on, students in Grade 5-6 have still been out and showing Care for our school peers. This term 5-6 students have helped our Prep buddies with work around Solar Buddies, helped during lunchtime clubs as well as breakfast club, proudly take care of the school flags and our Media Team has carefully filmed, edited, and produced our virtual assemblies.  


Graduation planning and countdown is underway for our Grade 6 students and our Grade 5 students are preparing to tackle the challenge of stepping up as formal school leaders. With 6 weeks left of 2020 it is a busy time with lots still to learn and do, however our 5-6s are up for the challenge!